
Saturday, March 23, 2019

In what kind of community does Arthur Miller root John Proctor? :: English Literature

In what kind of association does Arthur Miller root John Proctor?In Arthur Millers capital of Oregon the federation is very religious and pious.They might be religious but their actions be bad. The residential area is apuritan community this means that they are corking on helping the churchor making it better. The community is breath by the church so it is atheocracy. Only by champion example you can ensure how religious the communityis because the church leads it. The community is scared of some otherpeople coming and changing the whole fashion of their lives so they wantto keep their way to themselves. In Arthur Millers Salem, Salem participation is very repressive in other word it is controlled and unbending.They want it strict so they can keep the community from falling topieces.The society of Arthur Millers Salem is very strict and severe. Forinstance when Abigail and the other teenage girls were caught in the wood dancing by Parris. When Abigail was at home with Parr is.Abigail says to Parris in good turn 1 raps forestallion 7I think you best go nap and deny it yourself.Parris replies back by preceptMy daughter and my niece I notice dancing like heathen in theforest?You can absorb here now that Parris is calling Abigail heathen who meansnon-Christian. Parris is calling Abigail non-Christian altogether fordancing.It is so severe that Abigail said on Act 1 pageboy 7Uncle, we did dance let you tell them I confessed it-and Ill be whipped if I must be.Then Mary says on Act 1 Page 14Abby weve got to tell. Witcherys an hanging erroryoull only bewhipped for dancing and other things we must tell the truth.You only can see by this how strict and severe the community is, ifyou dace you get whipped sixty times. You can see the society isstrict and only by the few examples I score given. They gave severepunishment to anyone who broke their rules.The beliefs of the people are strong and they theme up for theirbeliefs. Because the existence of witche s etc are mentioned in theBible. Proctor says in Act 2 Page 57I pack no association of it the Bible speaks of witches and IWill not deny them.Proctor is saying that he does not know if witches exist, because theBible mentions witches so he has replete(p) belief in them. All of thecommunity is religious and they will have total belief in the Bible.They are very quick to call each other witches or that some one isbewitched.

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